
Error with TLS certificate

Common errors that can occurs


Where can I see it ?

Probable cause

Pusher error: cURL error 35: error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure

Web-browser developer tools
When websocket server is configured to handle TLS from API side.

Make sure SSL certificates are readable by nginx process user. ( www-data:www-data on Debian based distro )

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Web-browser developer tools
When websocket server is configured to handle TLS from API side.

WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_CERT in API .env file have to be a fullchain.pem file

cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

Web-browser developer tools
When websocket server is configured to handle TLS from API side.

PUSHER_APP_HOST from .app-config.js does not match SESSION_DOMAIN from API .env

<a_webbrowser> cannot establish a connection with the server at address wss://<your_api_hostname>:6001/app/<you_ws_public_key>?protocol=7&client=js&version=7.4.0&flash=false

Web-browser developer tools
When websocket server is configured to handle TLS from API side.

Make sure that LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_CERT and LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_PK point to up-to-date files, with right permissions. (-rw-r--r-- for LOCAL_CERT, and -rw------- for LOCAL_PK )

chmod 644 <LOCAL_CERT>
chmod 600 <LOCAL_PK>

Websocket server is not working. ["[object] (Illuminate\\Broadcasting\\BroadcastException(code: 0): Pusher error: {\"error\":\"Unknown app id rootdb-api-pusher-app-id-0911ce49ed05fca9b8581329cb3a83730922c238 provided.\"}


It means that PHP is unable to reach the websocket server. Make sure it’s running or, if it’s running correctly, make sure that PUSHER_APP_HOST=your_api_hostname is reachable.

Where are the log ?

If RootDB was installed without Docker

You’ll find log files here :

├── laravel.log
├── reverb_websocket.log
└── worker.log

If RootDB was installed with Docker, but www directory is mounted

You’ll find log files here :

├── laravel.log
├── reverb_websocket.log
└── worker.log

If RootDB was installed with Docker, and www directory is not mounted

# Each log files :
docker exec -u rootdb -it rootdb bash -c 'less -R var/www/api/storage/logs/laravel.log'
docker exec -u rootdb -it rootdb bash -c 'less -R var/www/api/storage/logs/reverb_websocket.log'
docker exec -u rootdb -it rootdb bash -c 'less -R var/www/api/storage/logs/worker.log'

# All log files :
docker exec -u rootdb -it rootdb bash -c 'less -R var/www/api/storage/logs/*.log'